Aug. 31
Quickly we shall dash off a word or two afore they leave our mind, as they have such a wont to do! Fondly, we recall a recent eve spent with dear friends the Parson, his indentured servant Maggie, Mr. Privott, Mr. Fourman, and my dearest Mr. Mains, at the home of Mr. vonDieligen. T'was surely a good time lasting late into the night, full of laughter, merriment and the sharing of stories and foodstuffs. Mr. Mains was quite pleased with the fine strap made for him in the Fourman household and it made a perfect compliment to his accouterments.
We were greatly disheartened to be drawn away from such a convivial gathering with the bad news that Mr. Mains horse had gone off missing! Knowing a rogue band of painted Shawnee warriors bent on trouble was nearby; we set off with great fear and anger in our hearts. Quietly we crept through the pasturelands searching, aware at all times of the danger! Hours went past and still no sign of horse or moccasin track. The brightness of the moon as she rose high above gave us just enough light to slip through the trees with relative speed. Shadows filled the forest, every sound held double meaning; the yip of coyotes, a passing breeze, everything caused our eyes and ears to strain. Time passed and sorrow began to overcome my thoughts.
Suddenly Mr. M gave a whoop, which was quickly answered by the soft nickering of a small brown horse. Found, safe and sound! Ah, such a sight to behold; Cheyna quietly chewing clover. So content was she, the entire Shawnee nation could have passed her by without the slightest notice. After much petting and soft talk Mr. Mains returned the mare to her pasture insuring she was well secured for the night. Nigh on four of the morning, we returned to the dark and quiet house, our friends long since gone to sleep. A scant few hours later, the smell of much needed coffee filled our senses and the day began. All were pleased to hear of our success in returning Cheyna to her pasture.

A journey to Lexington allowed us to see many fine artisans, friends, gun builders and craftsmen. Mr. Fourman was successful in making some trades for his fine hides; we acquired a few flints for our fine riflegun, and made many sketches of items soon to be made with our own hands. Our small company split with promises to meet at Blue Licks.

Upon arrival at Blue Licks we were graced to finally make acquaintance with Mr. Dave Barno, who is a great and dear friend of Mr. Mains. T’was no surprise we quickly found ourselves well acquainted with much in common. Further, our friends Mr. Jay Kell and Luke MacGillie were well ensconced in their lodgings. Together with Mr. Jeff McIntire we waxed poetic of times gone passed, stories of collections, mysteries to be solved and libraries to be raided, a true meeting of kindred spirits! Late into the night, the sounds of our arguments, laughter and collective sighs over fascinating relics filled the night air.

Mr. Mains finally gave in to my pleas to return to our camp and together we watched the moon rise and shadows fill the trees. Safely we slept through the night, rifles at the ready knowing full well the Shawnee were but a short distance away.

As the sun rose hot in the sky, a sweltering and pervasive heat filled us with dread of the coming fight. Our companions returned to our camp and began their various tasks. Mr. Mains and Mr. vonDielingen and Mr. Barno scrapped a buffalo hide, whilst Mr. MacGillie made a new pair of moccasins. Mac, Mr. Kell and I spent most of our time conversing, while Mr. Barno introduced the settlers in the area to our odd seeming ways. Mr. Kell, who had a large collection of powderhorns with him, lightened his load of wares by gifting us with a buffalo horn and serving spoon. Possessions I surely delight in and shall guard jealously!

The day passed quietly enough for our small company of hunters, though a battle did rage close by with dire and horrid result for the men lost in less than half the hour’s time. Sickened were we to find ourselves too late to join in or assist in any manner.

Though we did take a jug of water to the few men able to partake, most were lost, their wounds far too grievous. Another day there will be retribution for these losses so dear! Fear not, we shall not be weak or too late for the next fight! We have seen the image of these fearsome devils and have marked them in our hearts as targets, should our sights fall upon them!
Be certain my enemy, we shall see each other down the trail!

Be well and safe my friends, for we are set off for fighting the savages who attack at Fort Miamis!